Bioidentical HRTWhen it comes to face treatments, our main objective goes beyond just looking good. True beauty reflects our inner health and emotions, which is particularly evident during the holiday season when we attend numerous parties and gatherings. We all desire naturally glowing and smooth skin that radiates our inner joy and the spirit of celebration.

However, even if our calendars aren't filled with festive events, the winter months can still pose challenges to our skin's health. The cold air, low humidity, and indoor heating associated with this season are known to deplete our skin's natural moisture, resulting in a dull and dry appearance.

This is where professionals like Dr. Levenson at Colorado For Health and Longevity can help. They offer personalized face treatments aimed at rejuvenating our skin and improving skin tone, restoring that youthful glow. Now, let's explore five aesthetic treatments that can give you the holiday radiance you're aiming for.


HydraFacial is a groundbreaking laser skin resurfacing treatment that guarantees radiant, rejuvenated, and healthy skin. This advanced system employs a comprehensive three-step process - cleansing, extracting, and hydrating. The procedure starts by purging the skin of impurities, followed by the meticulous extraction of pore-clogging debris using a gentle suction technique. Finally, the skin's surface is saturated with a nourishing blend of moisturizers, leaving it deeply hydrated and replenished.

The treatment can be tailored to your specific skin needs, whether you're seeking anti-aging benefits, an even skin tone, or a solution for any unique skin types. A detailed consultation with your medical aesthetician will be conducted to understand your complexion goals, subsequently customizing your HydraFacial to match your needs.

This skin treatment not only revives the look and feel of your skin but also ensures deep nourishment and hydration, which are essential for maintaining skin health during the cold winter months. With the HydraFacial facial skin treatment, you can confidently flaunt your smoother skin and glow anywhere.

After your treatment, you'll feel an immediate refreshing sensation in your skin, with noticeable improvements in texture and tone. HydraFacial doesn't involve harsh chemicals or lengthy procedures, so any potential side effects like redness or swelling are minimal, if they occur at all. To ensure long-term effectiveness, maintain an effective skincare routine with a high-quality moisturizer and sunblock. This will preserve hydration and skin health, extending the radiant results of your HydraFacial treatment.

Vampire Facelift and Facial

The Vampire Facial® and Vampire Facelift® are aesthetic procedures that use platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your own blood to rejuvenate your complexion. These treatments enhance your skin's tone and texture, giving you a revitalized and youthful appearance.

The Vampire Facial® uses microneedling to create micro-channels in the skin, allowing growth factors to penetrate deeper layers for cell growth. This results in smoother texture, smaller pores, and reduced scarring. Note that this treatment does not change facial volume.

On the other hand, the Vampire Facelift® combines your growth factors with popular hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers like Juvederm. This blend offers the added benefit of restoring youthful volume to the cheeks and combating volume loss, which is not addressed by the Vampire Facial®.

Both minimally invasive treatments offer numerous benefits. They can improve skin tone and texture, stimulate new tissue growth, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and reduce sun damage. Additionally, they effectively improve sagging skin and lighten dark circles under the eyes.
Following the treatments, it is normal to experience slight redness, swelling, or tenderness, which usually dissipates within a few days. To ensure optimal results, it is advised to refrain from engaging in intense physical activities, excessive sun exposure, or applying makeup for at least 24 hours after the treatment. After this period, most patients can resume their regular skincare routine.

The rejuvenating effects of the treatments become noticeable within a few weeks, with full benefits observed after several months as new collagen and tissue growth take place. It is important to note that results may vary depending on individual health, skin condition, and lifestyle. Regular touch-up treatments can be beneficial in maintaining a youthful and radiant appearance.

Fillers (Non-invasive injectable treatment)

Juvederm and Restylane fillers are popular non-invasive options for treating wrinkles, enhancing lips, and adding volume lost with age. These dermal fillers effectively address skin imperfections and provide natural-looking results. Perfect for the holiday season, these injectables offer a fuller, more youthful appearance, with effects typically lasting up to a year.

Juvederm Vollure and XC are highly effective in reducing wrinkles around the nose and mouth. Volbella is specifically designed to enhance lip volume and smooth out lines. Voluma is an excellent choice for restoring mid-face volume. Restylane offers a range of formulas to address various facial concerns. Both Juvederm and Restylane use synthetic Hyaluronic Acid, ensuring a natural and rejuvenated appearance. It provides non-invasive solutions to address skin imperfections and achieve a more youthful appearance. With results lasting up to two years, Voluma Cheek Fillers from the Juvederm collection effectively lift and contour the mid-face, restoring cheek fullness lost due to aging, weight loss, or genetics.

Recovery after dermal filler treatment is typically quick and uncomplicated, earning it the nickname 'lunchtime facelift'. Minor redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site may occur immediately after treatment, but these effects usually subside within 24-48 hours. Applying a cold compress can help alleviate swelling and discomfort. It is recommended to avoid intense exercise, alcohol, excessive heat, or sun exposure for at least 24 hours. Dermal fillers offer immediate results, enhancing your natural features, but it may take a few days to fully appreciate the effect. Post-treatment care is crucial for optimal and long-lasting results.

Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel is an aesthetic treatment that uses a chemical solution to exfoliate the skin's outer layers. This process stimulates the body's natural healing process and promotes new skin cell growth, resulting in a rejuvenated and smoother complexion. There are different types of chemical peels, ranging from mild (superficial), which lightly exfoliates the skin, to deeper peels that can penetrate several layers of the skin. These treatments can address a variety of skin concerns, such as wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, and uneven skin tone. Following a chemical peel, patients often observe a significant improvement in their skin's texture and tone, lending them a revitalized, younger-looking appearance.

Chemical peels offer a multitude of benefits that can significantly enhance your skin's appearance. By removing the outer layer of dead skin cells, they reveal the fresh, untouched skin underneath, leading to improved skin texture and a brighter, more youthful complexion. Chemical peels are particularly effective at reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. With regular treatment, chemical peels can stimulate collagen production, leading to firmer, more resilient skin. They deliver targeted and effective results, offering a non-invasive solution for various skin concerns.

The recovery process after a chemical peel involves mild to moderate skin redness and peeling for 3-7 days. Protect and hydrate the skin with moisturizer and sunscreen, and avoid picking at flaking skin. Results may take several weeks to appear, but a chemical peel can greatly improve complexion. Consult a dermatologist for personalized instructions. Regular follow-up treatments may be recommended.


Kybella is a non-surgical treatment for reducing moderate to severe fat below the chin, often known as a 'double chin.' It's an FDA-approved procedure that can enhance your facial aesthetics, providing a more streamlined look.

This treatment utilizes synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella destroys fat cells, preventing them from storing or accumulating fat. This process results in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin, providing a more defined and contoured neck profile. The treatment is non-surgical and minimally invasive, with visible results typically seen after two to four treatment sessions, although up to six may be required for optimal results. As once destroyed, these fat cells can no longer store fat, the effects of Kybella are usually long-lasting.

The recovery process after a Kybella treatment is relatively straightforward. Patients may experience some swelling, bruising, or numbness under the chin, which typically dissipates within 48 hours. Mild discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Although there is no mandatory downtime, it is recommended to avoid strenuous activities for a day or two. Significant improvement can be observed after 2-4 treatments spaced a month apart. As with any procedure, the recovery can vary slightly from person to person, and it's important to follow your healthcare provider's specific post-treatment instructions for optimal results.

Experience Top-Notch Colorado Aesthetic Treatments Near You!

Achieve radiant skin this holiday season at the Colorado Center for Health and Longevity. Our range of aesthetic treatments is designed to reduce wrinkles, enhance lips, rejuvenate skin, and eliminate submental fat. Experience the benefits of non-invasive injectable treatments and chemical peels, restoring your skin's natural beauty.

Boost your confidence with the help of Dr. Levenson and discover the transformative power of proper skin care.Book an appointment at the Colorado Center for Health and Longevity today!